We are at your side

The whole world is facing a massive challenge in dealing with the consequences the coronavirus crisis imposes on us in our private life and in business. In these difficult times you need to count on your family, friends and partners, also in business.

We take all possible measures to protect our employees, business partners, families and friends. A project team, consisting of members from the key departments, was installed a long time ago to follow up the developments of COVID-19 and to develop action plans for respective scenarios. In the list below, you furthermore see some of the actions we took, to minimize the risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19.

  • Detailed and strict hygiene and behavior regulations are put on our employees
  • Social distancing (no handshake, keeping distance of 2 m (6 ½ feet) from colleagues)
  • Working in home office as much as possible and using digital techniques for meetings
  • Trainings and meetings in bigger groups are cancelled until further notice
  • No business travels and no external visits at our site; exceptions only if it is absolutely necessary
  • Increased cleaning activities within the company
We are prepared and we stay strong

We communicate with our key supply partners on a regular basis to monitor the current developments and to be aware of any changes that might influence the supply of material or our production process. Fortunately, we have not experienced any impact to our supply chain up to now. In case we do, we of course will give you, our valued customer, notice on possible consequences for your orders. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

We take the situation very serious and see our responsibility to do whatever we can to fight COVID-19. We will continue doing our utmost to ensure the service you are used to and the supply of material according to your requested delivery time.

Together we will overcome these troubled times!


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